Design & Architecture

Duffau &Associé·e·s
Nathalie Bruyère & Pierre Duffau
9 bis, rue de la Colombette
F – 31000 Toulouse
Tél. +33 (0)5 61 32 64 09

Press relationships / Legal notice & copyright

Duffau &Associé·e·s
Nathalie Bruyère & Pierre Duffau
9 bis, rue de la Colombette
F – 31000 Toulouse
Tél. +33 (0)5 61 32 64 09

Press relationships / Legal notice & copyright

Emergences in design: from Axiom to Rhizome

Experimenting, Doing, Undoing and Redoing, invited by Antonella Tufano with Nathalia Moutinho, Manola Antonioli.

Concepts Associés