Design & Architecture

Duffau &Associé·e·s
Nathalie Bruyère & Pierre Duffau
9 bis, rue de la Colombette
F – 31000 Toulouse
Tél. +33 (0)5 61 32 64 09

Press relationships / Legal notice & copyright

Duffau &Associé·e·s
Nathalie Bruyère & Pierre Duffau
9 bis, rue de la Colombette
F – 31000 Toulouse
Tél. +33 (0)5 61 32 64 09

Press relationships / Legal notice & copyright

*At the gender table
The situations that make up gender - The city through a gender lens*

After a first year in which we highlighted questions of «gender'» in relation to the urban, urbanity and habitat, we propose to take a closer look at the «situations that create gender' for this new session».

By « situations » we mean the specific places and objects that, through their daily use and manipulation, help to shape behaviour. We'll be looking at how their gendered projects can decolonise the way we look at our bodies and our behaviour. More specifically, we will be looking at architecture, in its interior and exterior spaces, intimate spaces and spaces for mixing and mingling, as well as the objects, signs and tools that, when associated with spaces, induce gendered behaviour. We will look at three situations in this way.

The preparation and consumption of food - from the kitchen to the table - have long been part of the field of anthropological studies. The ritual involved in these acts plays a symbolic role, but it also functions as a formidable transmitter of coded and constraining behaviours, because of their symbolic value. By turning the lens of observation upside down, we will look at certain situations as the factory of separation: from the domestic sharing of roles and the « assignment to the kitchen » to the table as a place of conviviality, of course, but also as a less consensual expression of ethnic, religious, class and, ultimately, gender practices.

Guest speakers:
Nathalie Bruyère, Ultra-Ordinaire, designer and Professor of Design at isdaT
Catherine Clarisse, architect and lecturer at ENSA Paris-Malaquais
Barbara Formis, philosopher, HDR lecturer at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, co-director of the Laboratoire du Geste.

This evening is organised by Antonella Tufano and Fiona Meadows, with the participation of the Ville Architecture Paysage association and the & Co design association.

Concepts Associés